At Acts 2 our worship times are a chance to come together as children of God who love the Lord and each other. Each week our service includes singing, preaching from God’s Word, prayer for each other, the Lords Supper and corporate readings and prayers. We have an informal liturgy that seeks to draw us into the presence of God and allows us to re-orient our hearts toward a proper perspective with our Creator and Father.
We intentionally rent a facility because we want to use more of our financial resources to serve God by caring for the people in His world. A designated percentage of our finances goes toward this goal each week. We know that only God’s creation and His Word will go on forever, so we want to invest in these with our time, talent and treasure.
If you want to learn more of God and His truth in a safe environment where people respect and care for one another, then join us Sunday morning and see if we might be a fit for your life and style.